Select a Location:
508 Washington Street, Cedar Vale, KS 67024
Call: 620-758-2221
200 N. Plum Street, Moline, KS 67353
Call: 620-647-8109
204 N. Main Street, Dexter, KS 67038
Call: 620-876-5863
300 North Street, Sedan, KS 67361
Call: 620-725-3818
1230 E. 6th Ave. Suite 1B, Winfield, KS
Call: 620-221-4000
1700 E 9th Ave, Winfield, KS 67156
Call: 620-221-0110
1230 E. 6th Ave. Suite 1A, Winfield, KS
Call: 620-402-6699
1300 E. Fifth Ave., Winfield, KS 67156
Call: 620-221-2300

Employee Benefits Summary

Paid Time Off - PTO

PTO is an employee benefit for full time and part time employees to use for a vacation, holiday, illness, or to meet personal and family needs. PTO allows the employee to utilize paid time off in a manner that best suits their individual needs. PTO is earned based on employment status, hours worked and length of service. Eligibility to use PTO occurs after completion of ninety days of employment. WNH's PTO benefit also includes an annual sell back option. The amount of hours an employee may sell back is based on the individual's length of service.

Earned Illness Benefit - EIB

EIB is a benefit available to regular full time employees to help protect income that may be lost due to illness, injury or hospitalization of the employee. EIB begins accruing from date of hire and can be used after the completion of ninety days of employment.


Education programs, on the WNH campus, are offered to all employees and physicians free of charge. Most programs provide CNE and/or CME credit. Off-site education is available to employees, however approval must be obtained prior to attendance. Independent study is also offered through the education department free of charge.

Health Insurance

WNH offers three comprehensive major medical to full and part time employees. Employees receive a Summary of Benefits and Coverage at time of hire and annually thereafter. Legal Notice click here: Medicare Part D Notice

The Department of Health and Human Services’, Transparency in Coverage Rule, requires health plans to create a member-facing price comparison tool and post publicly available machine-readable files. These files must be updated monthly and include in-network negotiated payment rates and historical out-of-network charges for covered items and services, including prescription drugs. The purpose of this Rule is to help you know the cost of your healthcare before receiving the care. Use the below to access this information.

Traditional Medical Plan 1:

Once a $500 deductible per individual or $1,000 per family is met the plan pays at 80%. The plan pays at 100% after an additional $1,500 per individual or $3,000 per family has been met.  Office Copay visits are $25.  Preventative care, as designated by the Affordable Care Act, is 100% covered and not subject to a deductible or copay.

Bi-weekly Premiums 2025:

$175.75 – Employee Only
$292.45 – Employee + Child(ren)
$306.53 – Employee + Spouse
$333.88 – Employee + Family

Prescription drug coverage is offered under the Tradition Medical Plan. Copays are as follows:

$15 copay - Generic
$30 copay - Preferred Brand Drug
$45 copay - Non-preferred Brand Drugs

Traditional Medical Plan 2:

Once a $1,500 deductible per individual or $3,000 per family is met the plan pays at 80%. The plan pays at 100% after an additional $2,500 per individual or $5,000 per family has been met.  Office Copay visits are $40.  Preventative care, as designated by the Affordable Care Act, is 100% covered and not subject to a deductible or copay.

Bi-weekly Traditional Premiums 2025:

$111.98 – Employee Only
$215.76 – Employee + Child(ren)
229.83 – Employee + Spouse
$256.46 – Employee + Family

Prescription drug coverage is offered under the Tradition Medical Plan. Copays are as follows:

$20 copay - Generic
$40 copay - Preferred Brand Drug
$60 copay - Non-preferred Brand Drugs

High Deductible Health Plan:

Calendar yearly deductibles under the HDHP are $3,300 and $6,300 per family. Once the participant is out of pocket these amounts the plan pays at 100% for the remainder of the calendar plan year.

Bi-weekly High Deductible Health Plan Medical Plan Premiums 2025:

$50 – Employee Only
$143.77 – Employee + Child(ren)
$164.91 – Employee + Spouse
$186.02 – Employee + Family

Dental Coverage

After an annual deductible is paid the plan pays Basic Services at 80%, Major Services and 50%. Preventative Services are paid at 100% and are not subject to a deductible. The maximum benefit limit per year is $2,000 per individual, orthodontics are offered with a $2,500 lifetime maximum. The hospital utilizes the Delta Dental Preferred Provider network.

Bi-weekly Dental Premiums:

$13.30 - Employee only
$29.46 - Employee & family

Eligible employees have 31 days from the date of hire to enroll in health and dental coverage. Coverage begins on the first day of the month following enrollment. The hospital also offers open enrollment in December of each year or coverage may be attained within 31 days of a change in family status.

Employee Discounts

Employee discounts are given to those eligible employees and their dependents who use our facility for their healthcare needs. After any health insurance has paid, 100% of the remaining charges are covered up to $750 per individual or $1,500 per family per calendar year. Drugs and over the counter may be purchased at the hospital's pharmacy at hospital cost plus 10%.


Full and part time employees are covered by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System commonly referred to as KPERS. Membership begins the first day of employment. KPERS is a three-fold plan providing retirement benefits, long term disability and life insurance coverage. For more information about KPERS click here: KPERS.

Additional Benefits

WNH offers the following voluntary benefits:

This information is intended to be a brief overview of the WNH benefit package. For a more through explanation please contact Human Resources at 620-222-6217 or 620-222-6253.

William Newton Hospital requires background and drug screen checks on all new hires.  William Newton Hospital is a healthy work zone and requires annual flu vaccination on all staff of our organization.

William Newton Hospital is a Tobacco-Free organization.