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Cardiac Care in our Heartland: A Community Service Program

Oct 21, 2019

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women; about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the US every year—that’s one in every four deaths.

The most recent Cowley County Community Health Needs Assessment performed in 2018 demonstrates the prevalence of high risk factors for heart disease in our surrounding communities. Risk factors, including adult obesity and smoking, are higher than state and national rates – and are projected to increase. A more devastating projection is that 31.6 percent more of our population dies from heart disease when compared to the state average.

Consequently, chest pain and other cardiovascular emergencies are the number one diagnosis at William Newton Hospital for patient transfers to Wichita and other tertiary care areas.

New Catheterization Laboratory

Since 2017, hospital administration and the board of trustees have been collecting applicable and current statistics that illustrate the strong need for a catheterization laboratory, also known as a ‘cath lab.’ Once in place, the cath lab can be used to diagnose and treat arterial abnormalities.

Through a partnership with Heartland Cardiology, William Newton Hospital will soon be able to treat many cardiac patients that would otherwise have to go to Wichita. Alaa Boulad, MD, a full-time interventional cardiologist at William Newton Cardiology in Winfield, has joined the hospital’s active medical staff. Dr. Boulad and Wassim Shaheen, MD, of Heartland Cardiology, will serve as co-medical directors of the cath lab.

This partnership reinforces William Newton Hospital’s commitment to offering these new life-saving procedures. The benefits to the community are numerous, including having a safe and quality lab to receive care close to home.

Community Service Program

William Newton Hospital has been approved to receive the maximum limit of tax credits available through the state of Kansas Community Service Program. This $250,000 will be used to purchase new cath lab equipment so patients can be treated right here.

The William Newton Healthcare Foundation is asking community members to help elevate cardiovascular services in Cowley County and the surrounding counties by contributing at least $250 to the Community Service Program. These 70% tax credits are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Bruce Schwyhart, retired local banker and former William Newton Healthcare Foundation board member, is just one of many who have endorsed the hospital in its efforts to start a cath lab.

“These tax credits will enhance the facilities and equipment for the institution in providing optimal healthcare for the citizens of this region,” wrote Schwyhart in a letter to the Kansas Department of Commerce.

Senator Jerry Moran also wrote in support of the hospital’s application to participate in the Community Service Program.

“Due to ever-increasing costs of equipment and the heightened requirements of medical standards and practices, the work of a rural hospital is challenging. Funding support would help the hospital leverage local donations to help meet patients' healthcare needs by allowing the facility to make these upgrades.”

Local business owner Noel Richardson, of Powder Valley, Inc., expressed support as well.

“For those situations where time is of the essence, the time requirements to receive trauma care have a high potential for loss of life. We rely heavily on the service that our small town rural hospital offers and want to continue to provide these services at a high level of care.”

Richardson continued, “Personally and as a business owner, we have and will continue to support our local hospital because we see its incredible value.”

To contribute to Cardiac Care in our Heartland, please contact the William Newton Healthcare Foundation at 620.222.6275.

Posted in In The News on Oct 21, 2019